EFESTO at Prolight + Sound 2018
Efesto invites you at Prolight + Sound 2018 in the days from 10 to 13 April, Efesto will presents his products in Hall 3.0 at the Stand A30. A preview of some products that will be protagonists of the event Continue
Efesto at Prolight + Sound 2018
We sincerely thank all visitors!
It has just concluded at Frankfurt the Prolight + Sound 2018 fair for entertainment and entertainment technologies. Also this year, with visitors coming from 144 different .... Continue
Efesto al MIR - Music Inside Rimini 2018
Our presence, your confirmations: THANKS!
Efesto Production announces its presence at MIR - Music Inside Rimini, the fair of audio, video and lighting technologies for concerts, shows, cinema, events and locations from 6 to 8 May 2018 in Rimini .... Continue
Efesto at MIR - Music Inside Rimini 2018
Our presence, your confirmations: THANKS!
hanks all those who contributed to its success at "MIR - Music Inside Rimini" 6 to 8 May at RiminiFiera - Expo Center .... Continue
Efesto: Aluminium structures and solutions for events
Quality and attention to detail in every product
EEfesto designs and manufactures a wide range of aluminum structures for events as: concerts, shows, sporting events .... Continue
Followspot and Sound delay towers
A follow spot tower and/or sound tower
EFESTO Spot and Delay Towers are freestanding towers with several heights and they use different sections trusses .... Continue
ASTROroof: the spatial roof with demountable towers
The modular roof system for great shows and events
ASTROroof is a modular spatial structure highest possible load performance with reduced trasport volume thanks to deomountable towers .... Continue
EFESTO aluminium grandstand
with BETA modular platform stage
EFESTO aluminum grandstand, with SpeedyBeta modular platform stages, is been used for the Christmas concert of San Francesco's basilica in Assisi (Italy) .... Continue
Efesto at the Prolight + Sound Frankfurt 2017
We sincerely thank all visitors!
EFESTO to its third time at international Prologht + Sound 2017 confirmations collects and consolidates achievements .... Continue
Efesto at Prolight + Sound ... News preview!
4- 7 Aprile 2017, Frankufurt
Prolight + Sound, the international trade fair for the sector "Events & technology" of Frankfurt, is coming. Efesto, for the third year, renews the appointment at Prolight + Sound which will be held April 4 to 7.... Continue
The safety of worker is a right
The department revisions and maintenance of electric hoists, formed by competent engineers, actively operates at the premises of Efesto Production srl from the beginning of 2016.... Continue
EFESTO's SelfLock Hooks: Special Offer!!!
The try and see the products means better know: "it's to buy better tomorrow!""
Efesto is a manufacturer company of modular structures, rigging, suspension and lifting equipment for the film, TV and theatre industry. In November and December Efesto makes a special offer
... Continue
ASTRO demountable tower at Prolight + Sound 2017
Perfect balance of cost, performance and handling
On the occasion of his presence on the international stage of theProlight + Sound, Efesto present ASTROtower .... Continua
Happy Holiday and Happy New Year!
Many projects you can look back on the achievements of the past year ... EFESTO has going to have new and important goals for the coming one. Continue
Passion build!
Efesto design and develops versatile, modular and interchangeable products. The Efesto's products are essentially elementary components for configuration of small and big projects ... configurations, every time, simply magnificent ... Continue
The Year that was, the year that will be : thank you so much!
LThis year is ending … 2016 was a year full of news and success, of challenges for Efesto. Efesto , with Italian style, responded to different needs: big and small event, TV studios, exhibition stands.... Continue
Milling Turning Welding
EFESTO meets the most different to needs of a constantly changing market thanks to its advanced tecnology, th einnovation of the design, to the wide range of products ans solutions, to its
... Continue
Stair tower scaffolding and rolling scaffold!
Efesto, constantly attentive to needs of operators in the field, propose the aluminium stair tower. The Efesto's staircases is the ideal solution for a comfortable and safe climbing on scaffolding
... Continue
FreedomFast: compact support for led wall!
Led wall support with more possibilities of applications:self-supporting and hanging-supporting!
FreedomFast is the freedom to be fast in every installation and applications of Led Wall.. Continue
ChainRunner, aluminium device for save cable
Cable proteceted and in safe positions!
ChainRunner is a valid solution for the management of safety cables. In fact, Chain Runner is designed, for the entrertainment industry, to provide operators with a safe solution in cable management ... Continue
Safety helmets and cables with whithe coating
Safety cables with white coating and safety helments are sure allies in every work of installation and costruction. Work safety is an obligation and a duty of every operator.
Safety tools valid, proposed by Efesto ... Continue
Efesto at your side between norms and safety
Department revisions chain hoists in Efesto!
Efesto officially annunces the birth of the new internal department revisions and maintenanceof electric hoists. The department, managed by authorized staff, guarantees a qualified service ... Continue
Efesto meets the world at Proligh + Sound!
Thanks you for visiting!
Prolight + Sound 2016 war for Efesto an international event of great succesful. Thanks a lot for you trusst in us and you interest in the new our products.
We spoke with many of you during the evenet ...
CROWD BARRIERS with Fingers Save System
Gate access module
Crowd barriers disegned by Efesto with exclusive Fingers Save system are avaible also with gate access. The Crowd barrier with gate module meets the need to have a quick and easy opening
in the barrier to allow great access. ... Continue
Efesto at prolight + Soundr
05-08 April 2016, Frankuft ...[Continue]
with Fingers Save system.
On international stage of Prolight + Sound Efesto present the aluminium crowd characterized by the exclusive "Fingers Save system". The aluminium crowd barriers disegned by Efesto is only crowd
barriers structured by Fingers Save system ... Continue
FreedomFast, compact support for ledwall system
FreedomFast is compact support for ledwall that enters into flightcase ...[Continue]
STAGING SYSTEMS, the table stage at fix or variable height
BETA stage and applications fields
Speeddy BETA stage is modular stage deck with aluminium telescopic legs that allow you to adjust height of the stage table in according to your needs. .... Continue
STAGING SYSTEMS, the table stage with multidirectional scaddolfing
GAMMA stage and applications fields
EFESTO expand the famyli Speeddy GAMMA stage introducing the versation with trap-door ...[Continue]
and Happy New Year!
EFESTO's world wishes you a Merry Cristmas and New full Years of Solutions and Creations![Continue]
Clamps, Couplers, Spacers, Hinges, Rigging, Boom, Arms
EFESTO offres a great numerb of " lighting clamps" to hang luminaires on to trusses with tubes with a different ...[Continue]
The cable cross with interlocking anti-opening!
The interlocking anti-opening joins ducts permanently without risk of detachment thus ensuring greater stability and security.[Continue]
SPOT BASKET for follow spot
Prespective no limits and boundaries!
EFESTO have disegned a very compact "Follow spot Basket", captable of combining four follow spots.[Continue]
Vasco Rossi singer's the spaceship take off on GAMMA stage!
Gamma stage is the platform for scaffolding system
Gamma stage is the platform for scaffolfing system made in Italy by EFesto [Continue]
Speedy BETA Stage is the stage thunderbolt of Jovanotti!
Speedy Beta stage, the stage table EFESTO with incorporated con FastLook!
Speedy Beta stage, the table stage produced by EFESTO, has helped shape special idea of the colorful of Jovanotti "Lorenzo negli Stadi 2015".[Continue]
Efesto platform stages: the strengths!
The stage without play! [Continue]
Efesto's company meets the world at Prolight + Sound 2015!
Thanks for visiting us at Prolight + Sound!
Thanks to those who with their presence have made big this first international event of EFESTO at Prolight + Sound 2015. Continue
Efesto at Prolight+sound ...news preview!
Speedy side family - Simple clousers systems. On international stage of the Prolight+sound announces a preview of the presence of Speedyside family
Efesto at Prolight sound
15-18 Aprile 2015, Frankfurt am Main
The Efesto announces its debut at Prolight + Sound in Frankfurt am Main,
the leading international exhibition for the "Events and Technologies" to be held April 15 to 18
and waiting for you at the Hall 90 - Stand number D99 [Continue]
Structures and Solution for events
Kòsmosfera, refined and exclusive shapes for covering large areas.
KÒSMOSFERA ESA 12, is among the most recent 'significant projects realized by Efesto in the year 2014.
Solution attractive shapes, structured by multiple arches, majestic presence located
in the enchanting scenery landscaped Latronico. [Continue]
The clamp with the safe-locking system
Safety, strength & design
Efesto is proud to present its new range of large and shackles.
Efesto makes a wide range of couplers, clamps and arms connection, unique to the careful design and attention to detail.
Efesto constantly strives to provide a variety of standard solutions applicable to the resolution
of possible problems related to the installation of modular structures and all forms of installation.
Security new products
Security Efesto
Efesto complete the range of security products with steel wire rope, ratchet load binder, ratchet leasing shackle and carabiner.[Continue]
Security new products
Security Efesto
Efesto complete the range of security products with steel wire rope, ratchet load binder, ratchet leasing shackle and carabiner.[Continue]
New generation towerlifts
Tower Efesto
Tower Lift is the easy professional support for truss, audio-light system, usable to manage great and little events.
New generation towerlifts...[Continue]
Use the head: work safely
Trusses Efesto
Efesto Production wants to offer to their customers as a references point for all matters relating to safety and
prevention in the workplace of sector operators: for this reason, is pleased to present the new products[Continue]
Security System - More strong, more realiabile, more safe
Trusses Efesto
Efesto trusses present the exclusive Security System. The plate in aluminum casting with increased connection
and the particular steel incorporated elastic pin, represents a little-big detail...[Continue]
Fork ends trusses: less flexing more security
Trusses Efesto
Efesto completes its trusses series presenting the Superior High Load line with the particular fork connection system.
Heavy load trusses, ideal for important spans configuration, are completed...[Continue]
Safety harness
Security Efesto
Designed to ensure safety, comfort and freedom of movements to users during the different phases of assembly and
disassembly of structures, roof and coverage, the Efesto harnesses are ideal for specified works on...[Continue]