Efesto Production - Aluminium Trusses - Tralicci in alluminio - Scale in alluminio - Strutture Modulari - Stage - Ganci - Rigging - Efesto al Prolight + Sound


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astro roof efesto production

prolight 2016 01p astro roof efesto production laterale grande

Efesto at Prolight + Sound ... News preview 
Discover the Efesto's innovations!

Prolight+Sound, the international trade fair for the sector "Events & technology" of Frankfurt, is coming.
Efesto, for the third year, renews the appointment at Prolight + Sound which will be held April 4 to 7.

Love, dedication, experience and a world of solutions for the most varied needs guide the company in this new presentation..

Efesto in the Hall 3.0 at the stand A30 presents a great news:

FreedomPowerthe powerful hanging support for Led wall with hanging and self supporting
Aluminium Crowd barriers with exclusive Finger save system
Wide range of different aluminium clamps
Stages in linear and circular version: “The stage without play because is welded!”
ASTROtower: the only demountable tower at world.
With a simple and quick installation and a volume of transport and storage of -70%.

Innovative and essential element for new spatial modular structure, high performance and highly contained size
, ASTROroof.
astro tower efesto production 
During the event the Efesto team will be available to receive the clients from around the world and to illustrate the many new features, possibilities of solutions and modular configurations.

To make an appointment Contact us!




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