Efesto Production - Aluminium Trusses - Tralicci in alluminio - Scale in alluminio - Strutture Modulari - Stage - Ganci - Rigging - Staging systems


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STAGING SYSTEMS, the table stage with multidirectional scaddolfing

GAMMA stage and applications fields.

EFESTO expand the family Speedy Gamma introducing the versation with trap-door.

The stage deck Speedy Gamma stage with trap-door allows to put in communication different floors allowing the operator to operate at different levels.

Speedy Gamma stage is the stage deck ideal for applications such as podiums, stages, grandstands, towers director, flooring for theater performances, catwalks, outdoor or indoors events.

The modularity of Speedy Gamma stagemakes it easy and fast assembly and the system Gamma FastLock that is attached, quickconnection between panels, reliable positioning of stages, prevents accidental lifting of the deck.

For more infortamtions on Speedy Gamma stage: Click Here or Contact Us

titolo alcuni esempi gamma en
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