Efesto Production - Aluminium Trusses - Tralicci in alluminio - Scale in alluminio - Strutture Modulari - Stage - Ganci - Rigging - crowd barriers


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with Fingers Save system

On international stage fo Prolight + Sound, Efesto present the aluminium crowd barriers characterized by the exclusive “Fingers Save system”.

The aluminium crowd barriers disegned by Efesto is only crowd barriers structured by “Fingers Save system”. The fingers sava system is given by the combination of edges rounded and special self-centering upper connection.

The crowd barriers are available in several corner or with easy gates access for technicians or security personnel. Set up and assembly are fast and easy thanks connection kit: only two bolts.
Flat folding design they can be stacked on dollies for easy transport and storage.
For more informations abouts Efesto’s range Crowd barriers and on the exclusive “Fingers Save System”: Click here

During the event we will be happy to show and present new products on display. (Watch preview )
To make an appointment: Contact us







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