Efesto Production - Aluminium Trusses - Tralicci in alluminio - Scale in alluminio - Strutture Modulari - Stage - Ganci - Rigging - Aluminium stair tower


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Stair tower scaffolding and rolling scaffold! 

Efesto, constantly attentive to the needs of operators in the field, proposes the aluminum stair tower.
The Efesto’s stair tower, all-aluminum, is the ideal solution for a comfortable and safe climbing on scaffolding can be used as a valid and independent access stairs to temporary or permanent structures also exits at middle floors.

Intermediate exits create safe access to all work plans. At high altitude this stairway helps the work of operators, facilitating the the handling of manual loads and related work tools.

Authentic ramp with stairway structure is strong, presents steps to wide tread with no skip surface: Quick and easy to assemble can be combined to any type of multidirectional scaffolding and / or rolling scaffold.
Depending on the type of use the tower staircases is anchored to the building and is in compliance with current safety standards.

Multiple Application fields
- Structures for entertainment
- Building sites and naval aviation 
The Efesto's stair tower  is used for to structure the internal climbs towers scaffold and / or externally to classic systems with or without intermediate floors.

- Fast and easy to assemble
- Fast and easy installation

- Entry and exit without any effort
- Sufficient space passage for two people
- Durability
- Multiple areas application
- Easy transport and storage

For more informations abouts aluminium stair tower of Efesto:Click here Fingers save system







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