Efesto Production - Aluminium Trusses - Tralicci in alluminio - Scale in alluminio - Strutture Modulari - Stage - Ganci - Rigging - Efesto platform stages


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call en beta01p Speedy Beta stage
gamma01p gamma01g




Efesto platform stages

The stages without play!

EFESTO designs and manufactures modular solutions for the realization of stages and podiums of small and large dimensions. Each product EFESTO differs in assurance and long life.


The table EFESTO stage is lightweight, modular, and with the long-term use does not buy play because the aluminum frame, with which it is made, is completely welded. The plans proposed by EFESTO stages are in two variants:SpeedyBETA stage and SpeedyGAMMA stage.

Speedy beta stage
Modular platform, made in welded aluminum, for stages and podiums height adjustable, with aluminium telescopic leg with rubber foot anti slipping >> More info

Modular platform of scaffolding , made in welded aluminum, systems for stages and podiums , suitable for indoor and outdoor applications >> More info









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