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Steel wire rope with soft eyes and thimble at end
Security Efesto


Efesto complete the range of security products with steel wire rope, ratchet load binder, ratchet leasing shackle and carabiner. Available with soft eyes and thimble at end, steel wire rope Efesto are used to support different weight and to guarantee another fixing on ground to the structures particularly impressive. Variables in length and capacity, the wire rope with soft eyes have 5 mm diameter and textile core , those with thimble 10 mm and metallic core. All the steel wire rope are designed in accordance to UNI EN 13414-1 regulation. Efesto ratchet loadbinder, recommended for chains tensioning and anchorages, are extremely versatile, and thanks to safe on hooks, allows to work in maximum tranquility and security. The drive is through the ratchet to facilitate the chain tensioning. Cannot be used for lifting, they are realized in accordance to UNI EN 12195-3 regulation. The ratchet leasing, particularly strong, present an abrasion-resistant tape realized in according to EN 12195-2:2000 regulation. It’s also possible to request the tape’s personalization with companies logos. It’s available at end a wide choice of shackle and carabiner of different sizes and capacity that ensuring a high level of quality and sealing.






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