Efesto Production - Aluminium Trusses - Tralicci in alluminio - Scale in alluminio - Strutture Modulari - Stage - Ganci - Rigging - Happy New Year


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The Year that was, the year that will be : thank you so much!

The Year that was

This year is ending …
2016 was a year full of news and success, of challenges for Efesto. Efesto, with Italian style, responded to different needs: big and small event, TV studios, exhibition stands. 
2016 saw the company as point of reference in all world. 
An authentic world of solutions" in constant evolution: 
Aluminum crowd barriers with the exclusive Fingers Save system 
Beta Stage, the linear and circular version: "the platform stage without play, because aluminum frame is welded!"
• Large and new range of aluminum clamps
A year full of new services
Milling, turning with machine computer numerical control.
• Creation of revision department and maintenance of electric hoists.
Prolight + Sound 2016 was for EFESTO an international event of great successful. 

The Year that will be

The international event Prolight + Sound will be renewed in 2017. Efesto give advance notice of new project Ground Support finally finished : AstroRoof is a modular spatial structure with high load –bearing capacity and compact dimension. Structure from size highly reduced thanks also to the towers completely decomposable.

Thank you so much

In your confirmations there is the strengths of our responsibility to improvement e to innovation. In your confidence there is our must : “ build your job easy”.
“We wish a great year,
 We wish a magical adventure
 We wish a year to build together.”

Happy New Year
Team Efesto




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