Efesto Production - Aluminium Trusses - Tralicci in alluminio - Scale in alluminio - Strutture Modulari - Stage - Ganci - Rigging - MECHANICAL PROCESSING


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Mechanical processing mechanical processing  Milling machanical Processin Milling
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Milling  Turning  Welding 

Efesto meets the most different needs of a constantly changing market thanks to its advanced technology, the innovation of the design, to the wide range of products and solutions, to its continued ability to r-invent and r-invent to improve. The company carries out precision machining using the latest generation of numeric control machines.

The preliminary step of every process contemplates the evaluation of the feasibility of the detail to be realized through the analysis of the mechanical drawing on paper or in digital format. The machining and final testing of the parts are made by specialized workers. The entire production cycle is constantly monitored to ensure compliance with identified quality standards.

Capacity, knowledge and skills developed in the course of a consolidated production experience combined with continual innovation are the connotative elements of a qualitatively valid final product offered at the right price.


Milling of mechanical components
The milling department performs processing of particular of different types with numerical control machines. The programming allows to constantly monitor each working cycle: from the start to the end of the milling process.

Turning with machine at computer numeric control
The turning department executes processing for the realization of details of small and medium size making use of a suitably programmed numerical control machines.
Saldatura Tig Mig
Tig and Mig welding on aluminium
The welding department makes TIG and MIG processes on iron and aluminum. Welding operations are executed by qualified personnel and in possession of skills, knowledge and competence.

For more informations abouts aluminium stair tower of Efesto:Click Here







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