Efesto Production - Aluminium Trusses - Tralicci in alluminio - Scale in alluminio - Strutture Modulari - Stage - Ganci - Rigging - Lighting clamps- extra durability


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Clamps, Couplers, Spacers, Hinges, Rigging, Boom, Arms

EFESTO offers a great number of “lighting clamps” to hang luminaires on to trusses with tubes with a different diameter and a large range of cables and rigging components (for example helmets, harness and slings.

In installation's field the safety is a priority: it's really important to use the right clamps and cables for their lighting applications.

EFESTO's clamps are heavy-duty and suitable at all kind of lights products.
Each hook, silver or black polished finish, has carved the indication of the safe working load and CE marking.

The need for solutions that are suitable always , or the history of an idea waiting to be realized, is the philosophy that guides the EFESTO, as a manufacturer company.
Always watchful eyes and wonder are ready to catch the feelings to create the right insights to the realization of effective solutions.

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