Efesto Production - Aluminium Trusses - Tralicci in alluminio - Scale in alluminio - Strutture Modulari - Stage - Ganci - Rigging - offerta_ganci_en


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EFESTO's SelfLock Hooks: Special Offer!!!
The try and see the products means better know: "it's to buy better tomorrow!""

Efesto, is a manufacturer company of modular structures, rigging, suspension and lifting equipment for the film , TV and theatre industry. In November and December Efesto makes a special offer of clamps

GC/01A SelfLock Hook - Special offer: 10 pieces package € 85,50
Transport FREE: 10 packet 
Aluminium SelfLock Hook is a Clever Combination of C-hook and half coupler Ideal for fixing moving lights and other heavy equipment to the crossbar

SelfLock hook GC/01A cis constructed from high tensile aluminium extrusion making it not only lightweight, but extremely strong, with a safe working load of 100 kg.

Designed  to hang heavy luminaires and scanners.
The self-lock on the top  allows the luminaires to be easily positioned and securely.

 began the manufacture of products for the entertainment industry  20 years ago  and is now one of the world’s leading manufacturers of rigging, suspension and lifting equipment for film/TV, theatre and concert halls.

Quality and safety are key issues for Efesto.
All our products are subjected to the most rigorous testing  and the company is certified   by the TÜV services.
EFESTO's  products show the CE marking and are made in Italy . Each clamp are available silver or black finishs

Choose to try: "BUY NOW!"Contact Efesto Productioninfo@efestoproduction.com 









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