Free standing follow spot and sound Tower


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Free standing follow spot and sound Tower


The TSPBK-85J21 tower is a structure consisting of a vertical lattice tower on top of which a load can be hung, lifted by an electric chain hoist. The tower truss belongs to the S85AJ series.
On the top there is a horizontal element (top of the tower ) with anchor points for the Spot Baskets on one side and for the sound diffusion devices (line array) on the other.

The tower is bound to a steel base that rests on the ground on adjustable feet. The base has a cross shape and consists of modular elements (Ballast and stabilizer for tower that branch off from a central core.
Approximately at half the height of the tower (in continuity between the two truss modules) there is a steel device for anchoring windbracings.

The use of stay cables, connected between this device and the ends of the base, as well as the presence of the base itself, give the tower an adequate stability against overturning.


Maximum tower height  22,5 m
Maximum  load capacity 3220 Kg
Weight 6800 Kg
TTSPBK 1 Top for Spotbasket Tower
BTS85A 1 Coupling element for tower S85A
BS85A 1 Steel tower base with adjustable feet
CBS85A 6 Steel modular element with fuction of tower stabilizer and ballast
S85AJ 7 Square truss 86cm, length 300cm

TSPBK 85J21 disegno tecnico 

puls scheda tecnica EN


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