ASTROtower - L'innovativa torre smontabile- Demountable Tower - Efesto Production - Angri (SA) Italy


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The innovative demountable tower

ASTROtower utilizes S85A demountable  trusses
Maximum tower height 24 m -  Maximum load 9000 Kg

S85A is a new concept in ultra high load truss that is the perfect choice for any temporary or semi-permanent structure.
Made from high performance aluminum alloy it maintains its form and undergoes minimal deflection even at maximimum load allowing higher load capacity at longer spans than any other truss system.

A unique feature of S85A truss is that it can be disassembled, overlaid and moved easily. 
It's disassembled design reduces the transport and storage space required, making it the best investment for large structures - the perfect balance of cost, performance and handling.

Base module truss S85A 
Maximum tower height 24 m
Maximum lifting load capacity 9000 kg
(with suitable sleeve block)
ASTROroof system
Base dimension (without ballast) 132x132 cm
Lifting system Electric chain hoist

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