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Linea Newsletter Scale 2016_en
afrodite2 intro newsletter en

Ladder with a double-rail!

The professional ladder for heavy duty!

Afrodite 2 is aluminium professional ladder with a double-rail. Its strong and stable structure combined with the lightness of aluminum allow it to be the ideal ladder for heavy duty.
Has a handy storage tray, a large step no skid surface, sidebar anti-closure, reinforcement on bottom at the base foot anti skid rubber. The latter guarantee greater adherence to the support surface ... 
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aurora intro archvio ien

Ultralight support ladder! 
Practice, stabele e safe!

Aurora is aluminium support ladder with the stesps welded to mast. Large 35.5 cm allows the operator to easily operate and stability.
Aurora present steps with no skid sufaceand at the base foot anti skid rubber. The latter guarantee greater adherence to the support surface....
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Linea Newsletter Scale 2015_en
intro afrodite eng Afrodite: the ladder with a single-rail with side bar anti-opening!
The professional ladder for heavy duty!

Afrodite is the professional aluminium ladder at single-rail. Its robust and stable combined with the lightness of aluminum enable it to be the ideal ladder for heavy duty. 
Afrodite has a large step with anti skid surface, the side bar anti-opening, reinforcements and foot anti-skid rubber that guarantee a better adherence to the surface 

intro archivio news eng Persèfone: the professional ladder strainght large version
Ladder support straingt 60 cm!

Persèfone is the ladder of support straight large version used in professional environments.
The large structuring of the ladder and large steps (83 mm) give the operator greater job stability and improved freedom of movement.
Persèfone is the ladder ideal for working in small spaces as small houses, lofts, shops, warehouses, box or other environments where it is not possible to use tripod ladders ..

news rampa archivio en Loading Rampas
Loading without effort!

Loading ramps produced by Efesto are suitable for everyone's needs and work in combination preferentially drive business and in every situation where there is an obstacle to overcome with steps.
Entirely realized in aluminum with anti skip surface with the edge of the lateral protectionflaps and the furniture in the upper and lower part to avoid the creation of steps with the load floor ..

intro articolo en briseide Ladder support for professional use!
Conical single ladder ideal for small space

Brisèide is the ladder of support structured with wide support base and the top slightly narrower. The wide base provides greater job stability and improved freedom of movement of the operator in action thanks to the size of the step wide 83 mm ..Continue

intro aurora en The professional ladders for heavy duty! 
+ 50% of stability

ARTEMIDE is a ladder with bobust and elegant forms; particulars with youth colors and reassuring. The large step, typical of all ladders belonging to Dea Series, and the safety parapets allows the user to work freely for a long time. The ladder Artemide has 50% more stability than the other scales: 
The foot anti skid rubber guarantee a better adherence to the surface 

intro gea en

Aluminium tripod completly welded! 
Stable, strang e safe!

Gea belongs to the series of the stairs "farm" and she is particularly indicated for fruit picking, plant, hadges and garden  manteinance. 
GEA has all the structural particular that guarantee  a safety stability also on uneven groundi. 
The base particularly large, the uprights converge to tip  in the  high for positioning between branches and tight spaces..


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