La scala conica d'appoggio per uso professionale - Conical single ladder support - Brisèide - Efesto Production


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Conical single ladder support for professional use

BRISÈIDE - Ladder support for professional use 
Conical single ladder ideal for small space

Brisèide is the ladder of support structured with wide support base and the top slightly narrower. The wide base provides greater job stability and improved freedom of movement of the operator in action thanks to the size of the step wide 83 mm.

Brisèide is the ladder ideal for working in small spaces as lofts, shops, warehouses, box or other environments where it is not possible to use tripod ladders.

BRISÈIDE is a aluminium conical ladder:
Climb inclination
- Stowage tray
- Step width 83 mm with no skid surface
- Boxed upright 80x22 mm
Reinforcement on bottom
- Foot anti skid rubber
- Base ladder enlarged
- Welding process Mig
Capacity load 150 Kg
Usage manual

Is available in different sizes.

Code Lenght
steps C 
Steps Weight
 B/5 128 47  116  25  5 3.1  0.05
 B/6  153  49  139  25   6  3.8  0.06 
 B/7  178  52  162  25   7  4.4  0.08 
 B/8 203 54  186  25   8  5.1  0.09 
 B/9  228  57  209  25  9 5.8  0.10 
 B/10 253 59  232  25  10  6.6  0.12 
 B/11  278  62  255  25  11  7.5  0.14 
 B/12  303  64  278  25  12  8.0  0.16 
 B/13  328  67  302  25  13  8.8  0.18 
 B/14 353 69  325  25  14  10.0  0.19 
 B/16  403 74  371  25  16  11.0  0.24 
 B/18 453 79  417  25  18  12.5  0.29 
 B/20 503 84  463  25  20  14.0  0.34 

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