Ladders line - Efesto Production


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Aluminium ladders

The ladders without oscillations
Efesto aluminium ladders are made with high quality materials; they are lightweight, strong, aesthetically pleasing: they are designed to work safely.
Innovative for quality, safety, versatility , lightweight, handling and functionality , but especially because they are ladders completly welded. The raw materials used are certified in according to european quality standard. Aluminium choiche as material base and the assembly type of the components by welding are not casual. Fabbricatore brothers know from time le metals potentiality. They have made a ladders qualitativly superior thanks their ability and knowladge.
The step are firm beacuse is welded 
A welded ladders not have oscillations and is safer for stability and structural reability. The stability secret of Efesto's ladders is a welded step to the upright that guarantee more resistence over time that a re-edging traditionl system.
Safety and Regulations

Efesto weldings are certified by IIS . IIS recognizes to Efesto Production Srl the welding qualities in according to regulations:
UNI EN 288/3/4 : 1993
UNI EN 288/8 : 1997 Collection “ S” ANCC Rev. 1995 Ed. 1999
and certifies the validity of its welders in accordance with the rules UNI EN 287/1/2/1993/A1:1999

Efesto ladders are designed and made in accordance with the regulations and laws in force in Italy and Europe. Severe tests are performed in our laboratories on each products during the prject implementation phases to guarantee  strength and reliability over time of these products to the final user. Each ladders are designed è progettata view to the needs of the recipient : some have platform with no-slip surface , other large upright. Modern design and youthe for color choice, each scale is the result of rational choices in terms of functionality and security.

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