SPEEDY SIDE family Sistemi di chiusura semplici by Efesto


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Simple closures systems


Speedyside family 

Simple closures systems

Speedyside family, available in three special shapes and different dimensions of aluminium profile (big, medium and small), is a ideal
solution for easy and fast sidewalls configuration of scaffolding or roof systems.


The components Speedysidefamily stand out for different heights, modularity (lenght 200, 300 or 400 cm) and performances; these have
a built upper rail profile ideal for a easy scroll the pvc sheets or different cover system (for example scrim or advertising posters).

Installation is fast, sure and clean because the components are fixed to scaffolding or roof systems by joints suitable.
Covering the wall sides, Speedysidefamily secures the structures from wind , rain and any other environmental factor: of course can
make protected backstage areas.
Depending on the type of roof, sidewalls have to be removed above certain wind speeds.







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