Horizòntes H74 - il tetto dalle infinite possibilità combinatorie


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Horizòntes H74


Horizòntes H74 roof systems
More possibilities of configurations!
H74 series is a roof modular system designed for high performance and wide spans.The structure is made of modular bearing beams in aluminium 74cm height with built-in guides for inserting roof pvc cover sheets. The bearing beams are connected with diagonal bracings with constant spacing of 2.5 metres forming a grid 250x200cm.
HORIZòNTES H74 is available in different kind of configuration: basic configuration (2 crossbars) or stronger configuration (more crossbars) using the type of flat truss H74 suitable.
The uprights and diagonals are placed in a lower position than the coverings to prevent irregularities in the coverage. The total canopy comes in several a pieces in order to facilitate handling and transportation.Individual cover sheets, 2m wide, made pvc of 650 g/m2, class 2 fire resistant, have lateral curbs of sliding in the upper rail system and ends-sheaths for fixing pull pipes of cover sheets: they are specially designed to avoid water pockets or infiltrations.
The fastening of the cover sheets to terminal elements of the roof happens using a practical systems of quick coupling pipes and belt ratchet 80 or 120cm long: one click and it's immediately covered roof ! The modularity of the system allowsto build a span up to 20 metres in length with a large carrying capacity.
This system of roofing sheets being lightweight and more functional allows a considerable saving of assembly times. HORIZòNTES H74 can be secured on any type of scaffolding systems or lifting towers.Horizòntes can be used with (PH74) as coverage Grandstand..

HORIZÒNTES H74 components

  H74 1210H14 H74 1412H14 H74 1612H14
Uniformly distributed load 3120 kg 2760 kg 2500 kg
Weight 3040 Kg 3460 kg 3680 kg
Volume  28 m3 32 m3 33 m3
Covered Area 120 m2 175 m2 200 m2
Maximum tower height 14 m
14 m 14 m
Tower  PT52
Horizontal truss H74 H74 H74
Vertical truss SS52A SS52A SS52A
PVC ignifuco 650g/mq PVC ignifuco 650g/mq PVC ignifuco 650g/mq
 1 Portata calcolata ipotizzando spinta vento 70Km/h

Very compact dimensions
High performance
Quick assembly times

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