Horizòntes H74D the walking roof - Efesto Production


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Horizòntes H74D


HORIZÒNTES H74D double pitch version. The WALKING ROOF

New, unique is Horizòntes H74D : the roofing systems double pitch verstion, that walk on binary! Quick to mount, highly functional H74D system is an aluminium modular roofing for shows and events made by flat single-side modules height of 74 cm, structured on the top by aluminium profile for the insertion of sheet. Single modules assembly occurs by half spigots; the spans, structured on 200x250 cm grid and compacted by internal diagonals, can by lifting by manual pulley or motors systems. Application fields are multiple: Builiding, Shipbuilding, archaeological sites. H74D systems, on applications sites, allows to perform construction jobs in different times without interruptions or delays for adverse weather. Double pitch configuration preserves the continuity work because avoid dangerous water accumulation. The possibility to provide the roof of scrolling binary guide help the spans positioning and sliding, thanks to motor system. HORIZòNTES H74D can be set on MULTICOM system or on any support that is able to support the structure's weight: according to loads and light, it is poosible to configure span of 30 meters.
  H74D1216 H74D1616 H74D2016 H74D2416
Capacity load1 80 kg/mq 60 kg/mq 40 kg/mq 40 kg/mq
Weight 1671 kg 1868 kg 2650 kg 3030 kg
Volume  10,35 m3 11,50 m3 15,00 m3 17,25 m3
Covered area 192 m2 256 m2 320 m2 384 m2
Sheet 650g/mq
Inclination pitch 28%
Material Aluminium EN AW 6082 T6
Weding TIG* UNI EN 287-2
 1 Calculated flow rate assuming wind push of 75km / h

Multiple application fields
Guarantee continuity works
Quick assembly times

HORIZÒNTES H74D components

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