CAS10V - Casco per lavori in quota - Efesto Production


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Comfortable helmet for work at height - ventilated

Comfortable ventilated helmet for work at height and rescue


With its strong chinstrap, the VERTEX VENT helmet sets the standard in head protection for workers at height.  It has ventilation holes with sliding shutters to allow the ventilation to be adjusted as needed. Its six-point textile suspension ensures maximum comfort, and its CenterFit adjustment system adjusts the headband and keeps the helmet centered on the head.


 •Excellent protection for work at height:
- shock absorption achieved through deformation of the outer shell
- strong chinstrap (greater than 50 daN) limits the risk of losing the helmet during a fall
• Very comfortable to wear:
- six-point textile suspension conforms perfectly to the shape of the head
- CenterFit adjustment system adjusts the headband and keeps the helmet centered on the head
• Vent holes with sliding shutters allow the ventilation to be adjusted as needed, while wearing the helmet.
- comes with two sizes of headband foam

Conforms to EN 12492

Color: White, yellow, red, black, orange and blue

 Code  Girotesta
 CAS10V  53-63 0,455
puls scheda tecnica rigg EN
*Helmet's certificate is supplied with thepackage purchase

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