Efesto Production - Aluminium Trusses - Tralicci in alluminio - Scale in alluminio - Strutture Modulari - Stage - Ganci - Rigging - Safety Harness


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imbracature di sicurezza

Safety harness
Security Efesto

Designed to ensure safety, comfort and freedom of movements to users during the different phases of assembly and disassembly of structures, roof and coverage, the Efesto harnesses are ideal for specified works on metallic structures. Between the available models, stands without doubts TOTAL BODY harness: suited to the most disparate needs, has a completely enveloping dorsal structure that reduces the tensions during the operators suspended works. Is equipped with particular semi-rigid leg loops that guarantee an excellent capacity and reduce potential chafing. The multiple anchor points allows to connect the anti-fall system and the auto-block buckels ensure a simple and quick connection. The forms especially designed together with the innovative design allows optimal weight distribution that allows to remain suspended longer in case of accidental falls. There are also models BOTTOM, sit harness consists of adjustable leg loops and belt, ideal for those who need more freedom of movement during operations, and the models TOP that combined with BOTTOM ensure more practicality and versatility. All harnesses are compliant with European standards provided for in specific regulations (EN 361, EN 358, EN 813).






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