Efesto Production - Aluminium Trusses - Tralicci in alluminio - Scale in alluminio - Strutture Modulari - Stage - Ganci - Rigging - Efesto at Prolight+Sound 2016


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Efesto meets the world at Prolight+Sound!
Thanks you for visiting

Prolight + Sound 2016 was for EFESTO an international event of great successful.
Thanks a lot for your trust in us and your interest in the new our products.

We spoke with many of you during the event / fair, we have gathered your opinions and we have shown" our world of solutions" in constant evolution and diversification:
- Trusses systems with different structure and performance
Aluminum crowd barrier with the exclusive Fingers Save system
- BETA stage, the linear and circular version: "the platform stage without play, because aluminium frame is welded!"
- Large and new range of aluminium clamps

EFESTO's products are designed, manufactured and packed in Italy.
The visitor recognized the unmistakable italian style, watching quality and reliability, imagination and originality of design, durability and safety of the creations and solutions EFESTO  
Your confirmations are our strength!

EFESTO warmly thanks and stronger reconfirm sits commitment of company producing able to create  concrete solutions in  way reliably.

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