Efesto Production - Aluminium truss - Serie Easy Flat section


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Efesto Flat Trusses are made with aluminium light and they are elegant for their design, adaptability and visibility . In their infinite and variety combination, with flair and imagination, make exclusive every modern or classic environment. Every truss is adaptable to each request, thanks to its versatility. They are available  is available in various lengths, sizes and shapes and with every modular components is possible to realize structures of easy assembly and easy transportEfesto Truss are functional, easily connectable, light elements both for design and for the weight . The modular components of the same series enjoy absolute compatibility.

Results 1 - 3 of 3




Flat section aluminium truss with 40 cm

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Flat section aluminium truss with 29 cm long sides

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Flat section aluminium truss with 25 cm long sides

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