Efesto Production - Aluminium Trusses - Tralicci in alluminio - Scale in alluminio - Strutture Modulari - Stage - Ganci - Rigging - offerta_cavi_sicurezza


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Safety cable Heavy Duty 3mm with white coating SelfLock carabiner hook
Package Offer: December and January

Safety cables with white pvc allow make it safe without unscratched lights and motorized.
The withe pvc coating increases the performance of the rope, stretching his long life preserving it from weathering, bumps and corrosion. Allows for a quick visual inspection of the rope.

Package offer Safety cable Heavy Duty 3mm: € 38,50
• 5 safety cables 
Ø3 mm lenght 50 cm with withe coating and SelfLock carabinier hook +
 5 safety cables 
Ø3 mm lenght 100 cm with withe coating and SelfLock carabinier hook.

The Efesto’s safety cable are made in Italy and are conform to machinery Directive 2006/42/CE.
The exclusive offer is valid only for the months of December 2016 and January 2017!
To accept the offer click here: Click here freccetta offerta







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